The Most Unexpected Student!

Sheep Class.jpgThis picture depicts the love we talk about. Taking your lover with yourself every damn place. Even the classroom. Yes, that is what this student did he took his sheep to the class. Wow, It is so clear that he cannot stay away from his loved pet for a second. It would have been difficult to do so as I wonder how did he managed to convince the faculty to let that fury pet in or do they actually know anything about this. And how the other students are coping with it. They look so unaffected by the incident but one of them thought of us and clicked this amazing picture. It is such a hilarious sight to see. Next time you complain about who likes the lectures, just think of this sheep. 

The Quirky Parking Zone

Underground Car.jpgI bet you would have never seen a parking space like this. A car beneath a shed with bushes surrounding it. It looks pretty dangerous but we are sure there must be some sensors to prevent any bad happening with this luxurious car. Does it not reminisce about some superhero movies. The vehicle owner should be a fan of superpower movies that is why he came up with such a stunning idea perhaps he himself has some superpowers. In any minute, we can have Batman here who would take his car out to enter into the hear rendering fight with his enemy, the Joker. In case you are wondering how this car would come out then keep wondering because we also don’t know that. But what we know is that you would love the thing in next slide.

A Machine Or…?

Coca Cola Bar Door.jpgThis is the height! There is a sandwich shop called The Press in Shanghai that has a Coca-Cola machine. Well, you must be thinking what is so not so common about this. Well, then the machine looks like a Coca-Cola vending machine with the tagline “Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles” but actually is a door that leads you to another way. Look at the picture and you will find out. I think of those people who would literally have taken this deceptive door as a Coca-Cola vending machine. There should be more like this in other restaurants as it adds a flavor of coolness to the air of the eatery. And it would also be fun to see the unfamiliar people getting deceived by its looks. Have you ever run into something like this?

Next one is as holy as it is stunning and you would love it!

An Unbelievable Cross!

Celtic Cross Forest.jpgThis certainly is not a regular sight you see. Apparently, this is a Celtic cross that sprawls over 328 foot. It is located in vicinity to the border of UK. The men behind this masterpiece are Liam Emmery. Clearly, the cross took a number of plants that includes Celtic and green plants. With the changes in weather, the color of this giant cross also changes as Celtic tree changes color with the change in climate. Emmery died after six years of its plantation, he could not witness the beauty of what he cared for so long. The sight was found by a passenger flying into the Dairy airport. The sight sits at the Donegal of the Republic of Ireland. To be precise, it is 330 feet long by 210 feet wide. It was completely forgotten by the family of designer and learned about it only when the passengers caught its beauty.

The Secret Living In Disney castle

cinderellacastle.jpgWho does not want to go Disney World! It has so many fascinating places and one of them is Cinderella Castle. This is an all decked and luxurious castle that would make you click a hell of pictures with it. This enticing spot is not only about decoration it has more to it. There are secret rooms in the castle that not many people knows about. They are located on the wall of it and the best thing is that people actually can stay in there as they have to do is either pay or win a chance. In order to win the opportunity, they have to get into a contest and lastly, the person who wins it gets the opportunity to reside in these all decorated rooms. So, here we have given you one more reason to visit this wonderful place.

Unbelievable Beauty Of Flathead Lake

Lake Montana.jpgThere is nothing more beautiful than nature itself. And this lake called Flathead Lake in Montana is one of the most beautiful sights you can ever visit. It takes you on the voyage of relaxation, peace, and comfort. As the picture explains this is a very scenic spot that looks more like a painting. The water seems like a painting. This world has hidden many beautiful spots like this and they can only be explored by adventurers like us. So, if you are traveler you would eventually find a place that would be yours only. And I would really recommend going to this pristine lack sometimes in life. It is famous for being the largest natural freshwater lake by surface area.