Savage Answer

Funniest Yearbook Quotes of All Time — 3One of the most honest answers we have on our list. Why would anyone take a bullet for a friend who has a ravishing girlfriend? Why not let him struggle with that alone and take care of his girlfriend who is also hot.

Seeing The world

The more I laugh, the fewer problems I see. So true, right? Well not everyone believes in it and there is someone who has made another version of it which actually looks closer to the reality. This boy wrote that “The Happier I Get, The Less I Can See” that indeed makes a lot of sense.

A Dreadful Mind

over ambitious yearbook quoteThere are some who are ambitious then comes the over-ambitious ones and this boy belongs to the second category. He not only wants to succeed but also wants others to fail. No matter how uncomfortable his thoughts are but one thing is for sure he is true to his spirit. We only can imagine, how his fellows would have suffered because of his ambitious nature.

One Who Separated Them

Two twins have been separated by another person have written, ‘nothing can separate twins, except that guy’ These twins are known for having a great sense of humor in the school. So, when the opportunity came to write the yearbook quote they thought of showing their talent there too.

Apology Letter

The confident yearbook quote 3Oh okay, here we have miss center of distraction! After successfully graduating from the high school she did not forget to apologize to those who could not make through only because of her midriff. 

Easy Way

The beating the system yearbook quote 2This is one of the cleverest quotes we have on our list. Why ask for luxury when you easily can have forgiveness from God just steal the goods and ask for forgiveness later.