Just A Friend

Paul wasn’t alone on his kayaking journey, he was accompanied by one of his friends on another kayak nearby. But where the two of them just enough to face what may come next? They didn’t know the answer to it. All they knew was they both were expecting something unusual to happen for that day. But for that, they were supposed to follow the next part of the advice which was to sing aloud in the open sea to lure the whales to get closer.

Get On The Waves

And there he was kayaking in Manitoba on the warm waters of the Churchill river waves, propelling away from the shore. Paul was aware of the possible consequences, not completely though. As what was about to happen was going to leave him mesmerized not just for that very moment but every time he’ll think of it for the rest of his life.

Personal Nature Series

Paul was so sure that an exciting event was on his way and he was the director of his own film so he wanted to make the best out of it. Remembering the making of his very nature series, Paul joked, With my GoPro strapped to my head, whooping around on the sea, I was filming my very own nature series – WHOO Planet.

Singing In His Own Voice

Unlike David Attenborough, I don’t have had Radiohead and Hans Zimmer soundtracking my underwater adventure. Paul laughingly explains that all he had was his own voice to tempt these marine beauties. The only question was, whether it’s going to work when the famous naturalist David used different singers’ soundtracks underwater to invite the whales to the singing party.

Singing All Alone?

Paul started singing aloud a funny song that he just made-up, especially for the beluga whales. And the lyrics go like this, Ooooh ooooo beluuugaaaa Ah beluga Oh Ah beluga! You can hear him singing in the video soon. He was least assured of the kiddish sounds he was making will grab even the miniature fishes attention. Maybe he’ll just end up singing alone in the sea! If that happens then it’ll be nothing extraordinary.

Not Anymore!!

Let rip with Arcade Fire’s Wake Up, […] The Gap Band’s Oops Upside Your Head and Deacon Blue’s The Believers’ in lyrics that were more whale-themed. However, he was in luck that day and soon Paul had company. They saw a pod of the beluga Whales nearby and all he wanted was to bring them closer so he continued singing the theme songs.