Not Far And Away

He was still struggling to come to terms with the reality when the elephant suddenly began to charge at him. Yes! he was charging forward for no reason at all. It was same as getting punished for a crime that you haven’t done. But unfortunately, nothing could be done now. They had to face it. Needless to say, McSmith and cameraman had their heart trembled with fear as the big elephant inched towards them. He had to think of something very quickly or they were going to lose their life.


Surprisingly, McSmith did not lose his calm in a horrifying situation as this. Now, the elephant was just 20 feet away from him. The cameraman was standing behind McSmith with his camera. Things became worse when the elephant started stepping forward once again! What do you think, would he be able to make it or not? Imagine a giant elephant is standing right in front of you with the intention of trampling you under its feet. Even the thought sends chills to our spine. If it is difficult for you to imagine then see it happening for real in the goosebump giving the video that we have assembled only for you. Click further to know what unexpected thing he did.

What Does It want?

Now things were clear like a crystal. The elephant was all set to charge at him. The man was completely unprepared with no firearms with him. He looked around him searchingly and picked a stick. Till then even his accompanier did not know what McSmith was trying to do. How could a mere stick help? Well, McSmith had an idea. He tossed it in the air in front of the elephant. It was a tactic to intimidate the elephant. To establish dominance over the elephant. But it seemed a failed attempt until he did something unbelievable or should I say terrifying!

What Seemed Unthinkable

People do what seems unthinkable in order to save their lives. McSmith too did something unthinkable by taking a step that was least expected from him. With a stick in his hand, he walked towards the elephant. He did it to make the elephant know that he was not intimidated. Now, both the rivals were closer looking right into each other’s eyes. And for some unknown reason, the elephant began to turn away. Did it just get terrified? Wait, was it a good news or a harbinger of something even worse that was beyond Alan’s imagination? Check in the next slide to find out.

Sigh Of Relief?

McSmith heaved a sigh of relief when the elephant began to turn away. He thought he has succeeded in intimidating the mammal but his happiness disappeared in smoke as a second after that the elephant again turned towards him to charge. It seemed the elephant was too obstinate to cow down. His relieved face turned into a worried one with the wrinkles of fear all over. The plan did not work he had to think of something else. It was a do or die situation for McSmith.  Let’s see in the next slide what he chose- to do or to die?

Relentless Efforts

Unfortunately, for him, there was no backup plan to fall upon! Hence instead of changing the plan, he began executing it with more confidence. Once again, McSmith endeavored to intimidate the elephant. Accordingly, he began to move the stick around at a slow pace in his hand to display domination to the seemingly invincible beast. He did it confidently with a stoic expression on the face. It was to see if his efforts bore result or provoked the already angry elephant.