Ferocious Growl

Like I said earlier that you can’t tell how a wild animal like this cougar would react in a situation as their instincts can’t be generalized. The mountain lion felt threatened by what Lauren just did and he replied with a ferocious and loud growl. This was the first time when Lauren felt intimidated as this could have been the last moment of her life. Luckily for Lauren, the situation in the living room was about to take a 180 in the most astonishing way ever.

Opening Doors

“It was just a couple hours to dawn and we needed to prompt her to leave without alarming her so much that she panicked,” Lauren said. Lauren and her roommate started to slowly open up more doors and windows so that the mountain lion could easily escape. Moreover, they escorted themselves to a much safer place where the mountain lion won’t be able to harm them if it got provoked. They started to tap a drum as they stood on the top of the stairs and what happened next took the worry off their heads.

The Mountain Lion Leaves

The cougar hated the loud banging noise and was unable to stand it. The mountain lion eventually started looking for an exit and Lauren was smart enough to leave the front door open. Lauren had it all planned out in her head and she was finally successful in her efforts. The big cat took the nearest exit and walked out through the front door. Lauren and her roommate finally took a big sigh of relief.

Wasn’t That Easy

Getting the mountain lion to leave wasn’t as easy of a task as Lauren made it look like.“The lion was frightened, agitated and determined to exit through a closed window,” Lauren wrote on Facebook. “Once the energy shifted, the mountain lion calmed down,” she further added. Lauren also stated that this arduous task was possible because of the experience she has had in dealing with animals and energies in her past.

Incredible Experience

How many people are there who can boast about a mountain lion visiting their house and they made it out alive and successfully got rid of the wild cat without getting a single scratch as well. Lauren was lucky that nothing happened to her. “She roused and knew just what to do…. walking out through the open doors, through the yard, across the creek, and through the empty field behind us exactly as we had shown her,” said Lauren.

Could’ve Turned Ugly

“It was a perfect ending to a blessed encounter that could have been dangerous if approached from a lower frequency,” Lauren continued in her post on Facebook. Lauren was the right person to have ended up in such a situation as she has had a history of working with animals. However, it was also wise of her to tackle such a tense situation in the coolest way possible. She did the right thing by not hurting the mountain lion and acted up maturely so that both the sides were ultimately harmless.