J.D. Salinger


We have one more writer in our list. J.D Salinger is a well-renowned writer of the 20th century and has composed classics such as Catcher in The Rye and has scribed several short stories. This story writer too has a story about himself that is not known by everyone. During WW2 he worked with counterintelligence division in Europe. He was also entitled as the Staff Sergent. He died at the age of 91 in 2010.       

Harrison Ford


A terrific action hero of his time.We know him as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. Now let’s know him as an aviator. Along with being an amazing actor, he is a meritorious pilot too. He pilots from a small plane to the rescue helicopters. He should also be credited for saving the lives of many hurt hikers. 

Gene Roddenberry


The creator of Star Trek Gene Roddenberry joined the army in 1942 just after finishing his college. He worked in the 394th Bomb Squadron while being placed at Hawaii. He surely did not have a smooth running stint in the air force. He met many accidents and the one in which his plane got completely mangled causing two of his mate death, takes the cake.  

Jesse Ventura


He has been a professional wrestling star, an actor, a politician and now a media personality. Wait, are we missing out on something? yes, this versatile personality has also served in the US Navy. Before establishing himself as a WWE star he had participated in the Vietnam War while being stationed in the Philippines. He had been trained as a Navy Seal. 

Fred Durst


This member of band Bizkit has enjoyed his short stint in the army. Coming from a poor background, Fred Durst has seen many hardships in his life. This former tattoo artist remained with Navy for two years. After giving up his career in Navy he came back to his home in Jacksonville. In 1994, he eventually came up with his band known as Limp Bizkit.

Roy Scheider

jaws1“I think we’re going to need a bigger boat.”  this catchphrase reminds us of Roy Scheider.  The talented actor of Jaws and All That Jazz has many sides to him that not everyone is aware of. He has previously been a boxer who lost only one match out of thirteen and after losing interest in that he enrolled himself in US Navy. He had a successful stint there and rose to the status of the officer.