The Story Of The Tooth

While they were filming the documentary, Ngoc even removed one of his teeth and gave it to the film crew so that they could check his claim of being Robertson. They sent the evidence to the lab and the scientist Lesley Chesson made some really terrifying comments about the teeth. According to results, the tooth has all the properties that a person living in the United States has. The tooth proved that he wasn’t Robertson but it also proved that he was an American. Or was he?


According to Stars and Stripes, the results from the teeth wasn’t 100 percent true and there is no way to be certain if he is an American with a single tooth. The isotopes found in the tooth can point to many areas of the whole world and to be sure they need two teeth. He even gave his second tooth for the testing and people were waiting for the results. But people thought that the government had no interest in the story, but they had no idea what was going on behind the doors.

Secret Investigation

There was a reason the government didn’t help this man who claimed to be Robertson. They had their doubts about this man because when they searched their database they found that there was a report about a man of the same built and height claiming to Roberston. The secret agencies were trying their best to find out the truth about this man but he was a pro and the authorities were struggling really bad.

Shady Government Business

“I think it’s always the fallback position of the government, to deny and to try to let it go away rather than to face the issues. But as you can see at the end of the film, shortly after the film screened at the Hot Docs Festival in Toronto, the government launched a very large investigation into their own MIA agencies calling them ‘dysfunctional, inept, and potentially fraudulent’, and that‘s in regard to more than 83,000 cases since WWII. That’s shocking,” said Jorgensen in the interview. 

Truth Was Out

We don’t know for sure if the family ever believed that this man wasn’t Robertson but this story shocked the world. We have no idea what happened to the real Robertson. There might be a possibility that this man knows the truth about Robertson’s existence and was hiding something. But there is no way we can know for sure.