A Decision

Rob stayed stunned for some time. He looked back at the people standing behind him wearing a puzzled expression. However, just like him the crowd behind was baffled too. The blank faces looked all confused and without answers. He did not know what was inside the envelope and there was only one way to check it out.

Her Words

If the man wanted to know what was inside it, he would have to open the envelope. He took a sigh and detached the seal nervously. He wondered what did the lady say to him while passing by. He should have paid more attention.  

A Risk

Rob did not want to get in any trouble today. The envelope was in his hand and he needed to open it. Though the envelope seemed empty, he did not want to take any chance. He tore the envelope open and found something he had not expected. 


Rob thought of every possible scenario. He could not understand why did the woman give him the envelope. He looked towards the doors and saw two security guards there. Who knows, he might need their help. For now, he was not going to involve anyone. At that time he had no idea what he was going to find inside would only add to the confusion. 


After seeing what was inside the envelope, Rob made a beeline to the door with his stuff and the envelope. He had to find that lady before it was too late. He stepped out but she was nowhere. Maybe she was gone and the mystery was going to remain unsolved. Why did she slip the envelope in his hand? Was this question going to haunt him forever?   

Catching Up

He looked around but the woman was gone. He could not understand what to do. The man had lost all his hope of finding her back when he saw her again. He shouted to get her attention. The man also wondered if she was trying to run away from him.