Searching For Clues

The ship had completely puzzled Myanmar Navy. A group of people jumped on the ship to see what it had. The very first thing that they noticed was that the rust had made it to almost every part of the “Sam Ratulangi.” Surprisingly, there was not a single person 0n the ship.

Lastly Tracked In 2009

So, when did it get lost? The last recorded journey of Sam Ratulangi was in 2009. The ship was sailing in the vicinity to the Tainan City of Taiwan. The ship was manufactured in Indonesia and sailed through the seas around Asia on a daily basis. However, one day it disappeared suddenly while being on a voyage.

Nobody Heard Anything

From that day on, nobody heard anything about this ship. Initially, the officials did try to locate it but failed abjectly. The ship was untraceable. Officials assumed it drowned into the sea. And now after almost a decade, the untraceable ship had showed up. Was it just a coincidence or was it driven by a motive?

Stranded In A River

Sam Ratulangi was floating in Sittaung River when it got spotted by the locals. Thereafter, the river touched the riverbed when it was seven miles afar from Thamaseitta. Sittaung River is not a renowned trade route and is only used for exporting the timber by floating the timber towards the south of the nation. The river has a length of 260 miles and so very few crafts are qualified to run through its shallow water.

More In The Queue

Sam Ratulangi is not the only ship that was found stranded on the shore. Japan has witnessed a ship too in 2017. It was a big wooden boat with no soul on it. The ship that looked all alone from outside had been harboring something very disturbing inside it.

“Holy Grail” Of Shipwrecks

In March of 2018 Florida too received, what came to be known as “Holy Grail” of shipwrecks. It was a remarkable discovery as the ship that had washed up on the beach happened to be the 18th-century one. The ship had come in pieces. So, before stepping into the boat, they had to make a 3D model of the ship. The ship was found by a mother and son who had come to take a walk on the beach in the morning.