A Media Sensation

Nadya Suleman

By the time her octuplets were born, Nadya Suleman was already a media sensation. Newspapers, websites and news channels – everyone was reporting on her pregnancy. The entire nation recognized her face. And while not everyone knew her real name, everyone knew her moniker: Octomom. Nadya’s plan was to attempt to control the story. She intended to capitalize on the attention, too. After all her sweat and toil, why not make sure she’s shown in a positive light? Not long after recovering from giving birth, Nadya hired a public relations team so she could spread her story without losing control of it. That proved harder than she’d expected.

An All-Consuming Persona

Nadya Suleman

They say fame changes a person – whether they like it or not. And for Nadya Suleman, the media attention never really let up. Critics argue that Nadya wanted to be in the spotlight all along – that it’s the reason she even had all those children. Nevertheless, Nadya had to balance the Octomom persona with raising her 14 children! Over time, though, her persona began to consume her. Her pregnancy itself became a controversy, as Californians assailed Nadya for embodying taxpayer waste, irresponsibility and basically everything wrong with contemporary American society. She even received threats! Yet others adored her and her children.

It Weighed On Her

Nadya Suleman

Indeed, the media circus started to get out of hand as soon as it began – it was a far cry from her original goal of controlling the coverage. Nadia Suleman failed to get ahead of the story. She decided she would have to take more drastic measures to get her side of it out to the public. She had to open up about her struggles. In an interview with People magazine, Nadia Suleman reacted to the public caricature of her. “I don’t get much sleep, about two or three hours a night,” she said. “But I’m continuing to move forward with my life and trying to be the best mother I can be.” But still, her seeming embrace of the media attention she was receiving led many to the skepticism of Octomom.

A Low Point

Nadya Suleman

Even years after giving birth, Nadya Suleman was still a subject of national interest. As loud as her critics shouted, America simply couldn’t get enough of Octomom and her children. But the spotlight was really starting to bring Nadya down to the extent that it harmed her ability to raise her kids. According to multiple reports, Octomom had reached a low point in her life. Struggling to take care of 14 children, Nadya had no choice but to accept welfare. It seemed like it was her against the world. Even with all her babies, she felt all alone. Soon enough, she’d face a challenge that government assistance alone couldn’t solve.

Trouble At Home

Nadya Suleman

Throughout the relentless media coverage and national scrutiny, rumors started to spread about Nadya Suleman mistreating her children. After all, how could a single mother take care of all those kids by herself? Some asked. Child Protective Services were even alerted and decided to look into whether Octomom was, in fact, neglecting her children. When they actually investigated Suleman’s property, they found no grounds for the rumors that had been circulating and deemed her home perfectly suitable for children. Unfortunately for Octomom, someone else who had the power to change her life just as drastically strongly disagreed with that claim.

Eviction Notice

Nadya Suleman

Just because Nadya Suleman’s home was good enough for child protective services doesn’t mean it was good enough for everyone – namely, her landlord. And, to be frank, he’s probably one of the only people following her story that really had the power to affect her life concretely. Apparently, he accused her of violating her lease’s terms. He took his issue with Nadya Suleman’s living situation to the media and, eventually, evicted her. All her life, Nadya aspired to be a good mother, and now she was on the verge of being homeless. She couldn’t let that happen. And thus, Octomom was driven to desperate measures to ensure her family had a home.