Whoops, Wrong Message!

cake-fails5000045t6.jpgWe must remember that writing a message can end up meaning something completely different if you misplace a word or forget to add one. Here is one that was supposed to be a very sweet birthday cake that ended up rather sad because of misspelling. “Happy Bathday” is a completely different message, telling the person to take a bath. We hope the recipient was a humorous person who laughed it all off…


cake-fails-085465656.jpgIt sometimes gets very difficult to decide what you want to write as a message on a cake. A simple “Happy Birthday,” is something that would be advised when it comes to a dilemma such as this. This person here must have thought a lot about what they wanted to write on the cake, “Happy Birthday… (thinks about it) …just happy birthday.” The decoration department took things a little too literally and so the cake came out this way…

Buzz Lightyear Cake

cake-fails-223453092y753.jpgAn over-ambitious person was set on making the most gorgeous cake that was also Toy Story themed. We can clearly tell that this was supposed to be Buzz Lightyear’s head but along the way the one who made this messed up. The cake then ended up looking like a very futuristic George Washington cake. Even though the cake does look like the intended theme, it just did not deliver as expected…

A Message

cake-fails-126346436034.jpgSo for their friend Matt, these guys wanted to get a cake that was meant for his birthday. This cake message that the friends wanted to write was “Happy Birthday Dick”. But they were not that cruel so they just wanted a simple message on the cake instead. The people who made the cake did not read the joke of the message so they ended up making this cake with a very honest message. It surely would have caused quite the laughter when the cake arrived.

Adam Plus Blue Flowers

cake-fails_09808.jpgOne of the worst things that could take place is decorators messing up the instructions like the one here. The customer’s instruction was for the cake to be adorned with blue flowers, which it was, but then a little addition messed everything up. The decorator went a little too literal on the message. It appears as though this Adam guy has a weird fascination with blue flowers. We hope that he enjoyed this cake anyhow…

This Carrot Cake Though

cake-fails_97849849.jpgAnd continuing with the theme of the disappointment cakes, we have this next cake. We wonder whether these decorators actually use their brain while reading these cake messages they are supposed to write. The message just means that “Mark” was actually supposed to be spelled “Marc” with a letter C. But the cake came out with the message “Mark with a Sea.” We hope Marc had a blast on his birthday despite all this…