Mission Impossible!

Ozzy being caring by nature would take care of every tiny need of the old and moody cat. He would run after him and would also stay by his side only to get approval from the Norm. The cat would rub his head on the dog. He coldly ignored every effort made by the pooch. Regardless of the disheartening behavior of the cat the dog continued to persuade him. He just needed someone to take care of. Have you seen such level of affection? What do you think, would the haughty cat relent and accept the Pitbull’s friendship? Well, for that you will have to click through few more slides.   

Hobbies Include…

Other than seeking friendship with toddlers and other animals the dog had one more hobby. He liked licking the feet of Lajeniss’ 5-year-old son. As mentioned earlier, he had a strong bond with Jennifer’s youngest son. He would take care of that little boy as his own puppy. He loved to play with the kid and their acquaintances soon graduated into a special bond. It seemed the boy had two fathers, first the human one and second, our Ozzy. Norm, on the other hand, continued to ignore Ozzy. Though he had a close friend in the face of the 5-year-old son of Lajeniss, he still wanted to have his own cat.

Something Is Missing

Apparently, the dog had everything family, comfort, and lots of love. But, he was missing something. Still, there was a lacking in his world. A big void! He desperately needed a friend. And that old grumpy cat had the potential of being his friend but apparently, he refused to be one. Jennifer, the human mother of Ozzy was noticing all these things but she was helpless. The luck of Ozzy took an unexpected turn when Jennifer spotted something on the street! A usually ignored thing was going to make a big change in the life of Ozzy.  

The Pregnant Cat

Jennifer saw a pregnant stray cat on the street. The cat was in final stage of her pregnancy and that worried Jennifer. The reckless condition of the pregnant cat bothered her and she decided to keep the cat in her home until her delivery. The cat was named Winnie! Ozzy became very happy when he saw Winnie. He perhaps had got a friend at last. But unfortunately, due to her vulnerable condition, Winnie could not reciprocate to Ozzy’s affection. On the other side, Norm remained stone-hearted. It was to see whether Norm was going to befriend Ozzy or not. Meanwhile, Ozzy was about to have another surprise. 

Look Who Comes

Eventually came the day when Winnie was going to deliver her babies. She gave birth to 5 kittens. When Ozzy learned about the arrival of kittens he was on cloud nine. In fact, no one was as happy as the Pitbull. He began to tend to them and would show his love by licking them. And if we talk about haughty Norm, he as always did not show any interest in those kittens. And as far as the mother cat was concerned she also had some thoughts. It was just the beginning of the surprises that Ozzy was going to have. You would not have read an emotional story like this. Click next to find out how Ozzy proved all the antiquated perception of the dog and cat relationship wrong. 

Becoming The Father

Ozzy would treat the kitten as his own children. He used to shower the kittens with all his love. You would always see him running behind the kittens and catering to their every small requirement. He used to cuddle and lick them when they injure themselves. No need to say, Ozzy, slashed the burden of Winnie by more than half. It was a great help for Winnie! But Norm still was as cold as before. No one had any idea why was he being so critical of the dog.