You Know That’s Not A Toy

You Know That’s Not A Toy

Cats can be very innovative and can be found to self-entertain themselves in times of boredom and leisure. This cat has done something way too extreme when boredom strikes. Can you guess what he does when he feels bored and lonely? He plays with his own poop. Yep, you heard that right, he plays around and fools around with his ‘business’. Does this cat have some monkey genes in him? This is awfully strange for a cat to be doing. It is definitely one cat behavior that must not be tolerated especially by his owner. The thought of your own cat playing around with its own poop would be too repulsive for anyone. We certainly hope that the owners get to buy the cat some tops that he can play with because playing with your own dropping is not acceptable. We hope he stops…we really do.

Surprise! surprise.jpg

This cat here sure is a neat freak, but the way he deals with it is something incomprehensible. It again involves something about pooping and poops. This cat is a neat freak but does not expect to be cleaned up, bathed or taken a walk outside. It has a problem when his litter box is not cleaned up properly. The way the cat goes about it would surely piss off anyone who owns him. He leaves his poop on his owner’s bed if they have forgotten to clean up the box. For a lazy owner, it would be a good reminder that the box needs to be cleaned immediately. But then we have to say we do feel really sorry for the owners who are always left with a poop that tells them they have not done their job. Hence the only solution is to be very active with cleaning the box and not procrastinating.

One Gassy Guy


We have mentioned before that cats can be very mischievous and sly when they feel like it. This is one very good example of how cats anger their owners. This cat here is one bad kitty who had a very bad habit of farting on the face of his owner then quickly running away before getting caught. Doctors have said that cats do not necessarily pass gas as they are not naturally gassy, but when they have really poor diet, are known to let out a few gases. In this particular case, we cannot confirm if the owner is not providing enough food for the cat but we can definitely say that the cat’s antics are infuriating. We can all agree that this experience of the cat always farting on your face should lead to a punishment of some sort. Who in the world would ever want to be farted on every time, even if its a cat that is doing the farting?

Showered In Shame

Showered In Shame

Ahh, the old tale of a cat trying to get into a fish bowl. This little furball had to learn the hard way when it comes to the experience of jumping into a fish bowl. Even though cats are hydrophobic, they always seem to want to risk everything as soon as a fish is included in the equation. Their hatred for water is always overcome by their love for the fish that lives inside the bowl. However, we are certain that this cat right here has indeed learned his lesson that he should never jump into the fishbowl, that the cold water is not his friend not will it ever be. His expressions show that he does not have any sense of remorse and would probably do it all over again for the sake of the fish. We will be sure to be on the lookout for any updates about his second attempt as we are sure there will be one.

Disgusting Diva


This incident sits above all the other cats when it comes to how disgusting they behave on this list. You would not want to own this cat after you hear about what it has done. How would you feel if you woke up to a dead mouse in your mouth as soon as you wake up in the morning? Yes, that is exactly what happened to this poor owner after her cat lost her patience. Maybe in the head of the cat, this was a proud moment that she wanted to share with her owner, but for the owner, it is too disgusting. When the cat killed a mouse, she felt that her owner needed to celebrate with her. It was during the night so her owner was obviously in deep sleep. The cat felt impatient and decided to shove the dead mouse in the owner’s mouth to show how proud she was. mile The cat’s name is Diva and it fits her character perfectly, don’t you agree?

All Tied Up


It is a known fact that cats love to plat with strings and balls. We also know that they love to play with hair ties for reasons that will forever remain unanswered. What joy do they find so satisfying when it comes to playing with these hair ties? Could it be because of the fact that they are stretchable, or because of their texture, or even because the owners of cats always look for these hair ties? Most cats love to chew on these and also love the sensation of being able to pull and stretch them however they want. This cat here is clearly aware of how much her owner needs these hair ties. So what does it do? It would hie them or steal them from her owner. This cat also steals a lick or two from her owner’s cereal bowls every chance she gets. We just hope she does not end up choking on them as they are prone to do so.