Seeking Advice

Barbara dialed the number of the nurse who previously used to work for the Longleys. Barbara had a strong bond with her and so thought of seeking advice from her. The woman was living away from the town and so could not help Barbara in taking care of Harold. However, she was always a call away. She advised her to contact the police as the life of her husband had been jeopardized due to this behavior of hers. 

Take Action

Shortly after Barbara called in the police. The police took quick action and arrested Jenna. After that, she was taken to the Cayuga County Safety Building located in Auburn, New York. This is exactly where it would be decided whether she is guilty or not. And if yes, then to what degree.   


Cayuga County Sheriff David Gould issued a statement clarifying they Jenna was levied with charges of second-degree Endangering the Welfare Incompetent or Physically Disabled Person. The sheriff expressed his amazement and called it a deeply disturbing case. 


Barbara still felt it difficult to come to the terms with the fact that her husband had been left all alone. No doubt, she was angry at Jenna yet she had a soft corner for her. She clarified that she never wanted to punish Jenna but at the same time did not want anyone else to go through the same situation as she and her husband did. 

Not Giving Up

After a while, the duo hired another caregiver after a proper inquiry about her professional and personal life both. This time they did not want to be cheated so they checked all her documents and only after confirming that the caregiver was technically certified Barbara hired her.

Never Interested

Clearly, though Jenna got ready to work for her she was clearly not interested in this job. She took up the offer half-heartedly only to cater to the need of her children and ran away on the very first opportunity she got. She should have waited for Barbara to come before leaving the old disabled man. By this act of carelessness, she destroyed her career in healthcare.