“Nothing Has Changed”

Mike was putting all that he had on his mind on this particular Facebook post. He explained about the time his father rescued him when he was a lot younger. “My dad Dean Jones hopped the centerfield fence and ran to home plate to make sure I was ok,” revealed Mike, stating that “16 years later nothing has changed.” The incident at the race course was not the first time his father had come to his rescue…

On The News

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So for his son, it was yet another incredible incident worth noting that he shared with his dad. This was also posted on a very meaningful day as well. Mike had written all this as a way to wish his father a Happy Father’s Day. He wanted to show that he appreciated and felt grateful for all that he had done for him. Then a few days later, the duo was on the news…

Grateful Father

And even Dean took to Facebook to respond to his son’s Facebook post that he had updated on his page. He made sure to thank God for keeping Mike away from harm just the day before and explained that the incident that took place during the race. He also added that Mike’s car “hit the wall harder than anything I have seen.” Even he was glad to have been able to save Mike

Another Person To Thank

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And on the same Facebook post, Dean made sure to show his gratitude towards one other person who deserved some praise. He included the guy who constructed the car as well when he expressed his appreciation. Mike’s father did not forget to thank Craig Oliver, who was the person who built the race car that kept his son from dying. This did not end here still…

Only For His Son

And even as a crew captain, it was quite clear that Dean Jones would have wanted his son to win the race, But when the accident happened, he revealed that he did not even care about winning the race anymore, that he was only concerned for his son. He stated this in an interview he gave later. The only thing he wanted to do was to keep his son away from the burning mess.

To Save Mike

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For Dean, the only priority during that dreadful incident was for his son to be kept safe and away from the fire. He was scared that the car might have exploded which would have resulted in Mike’s death. He explained in the interview, “Mikes car stopped almost in front of our pit stall and when I saw the flames, without any hesitation I jumped the wall to help pull him out of the car.”