The Bad News

As Dean was explaining the scenario and spoke about how dangerous it was for his precious son to be exposed to the fire like that, there was something unexpected that was asked to him. When the heroic act was done, Dean was in talks with a NASCAR official. This person had asked the tensed father why he had on shorts on the race track during that time?

Dean’s Priceless Reaction

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Dean had just risked his life trying to save his son from burning alive. He had mustered up the courage to get close to the burning flame to try and get his son out of the car. After he succeeded in doing so, he was questioned as to why he wore shorts. The NASCAR official also had something else to say to the perplexed father. How Dean responded to this person was priceless…

“Are You Serious Right Now?”

So as we had mentioned, Dean had just done the unthinkable. He not only managed to get his son out of a burning car to save his life, he even ended up saving the car itself. It was such a commendable achievement that left everyone speechless. But just before the races got over, a guy came to speak with Dean. Dean revealed later that this man was actually a NASCAR official.  

Dean Explains

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And when he was questioned by this guy as to why he had shorts on in the tracks, Dean gave him a very fitting answer. He explained to the interviewers the whole situation and explained when the official “asked for my NASCAR license for being on track with shorts on. I even asked are you serious right now?” So then what followed this unnecessary question?

A Piece Of Paper

But Dean did not give too much thought into what an insane question the official had asked him was. “That’s ok, it’s only a piece of paper. My boys are everything to me,” explained the thankful father of Mike. The only concern that he had was everyone’s safety. He was glad to know that his son was safe and that no one else got injured as well.

Whole And Safe

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As a concerned father, Mike was only concerned for the safety and well being of Mike his son. The thought of him losing his life that day was enough for Dean to spring into action even if it meant that he would sacrifice his own life. The man also managed to kill the fire on the car but was most grateful for the fact that his “son is whole and safe.”