A mother not only gives birth to her children but also molds them to become a better version of themselves. Undoubtedly, a mother is the best thing that happens to each living creature in the world.

Lydia Fairchild, a mother of three, was already going through some rough days when she faced the worst day of her life when people started to raise questions on her motherhood. All she wanted was a little help from the government which was declined and on top of it, they started a criminal investigation on her. But for what reasons? Was attempting to secure her kids’ future her only fault? Or were things different on the inside?

Restructuring Life

In 2002, Lydia Fairchild, a 26-year-old native of Washington took the boldest step of her life when she decided to separate from her husband, Jamie Townsend. The couple had two kids and Lydia was pregnant with a third child. The couple had faced rough days many times but this time the situation was worse enough that Lydia filed for a divorce. Lydia took the responsibility of raising all three of her children by herself.

Once the couple was legally divorced, Lydia focussed entirely on making her kids’ future secure but it was going to be much harder than anyone could have thought.

dna test lydia fairchild


Looking Out For Her Childrencouple dna test

Previously, with the income of Lydia and Jamie, the family was able to live an ordinary life. However, the divorce left the three children and Lydia to live on just her income which wasn’t enough to survive. One of her friends explained the government supporting policies and assistance in cases such as hers. Without putting much thought into it, Lydia followed the process that her friend suggested.

Government Aid

In hope of getting financial assistance, Lydia filled the application form to receive assistance from the government to raise her two children and the third one that was on the way. In order to receive child support, Lydia and Jamie were supposed to undergo a DNA test. This will be a formal proof that they have applied for their own kid’s funding. It was just an ordinary process and nothing serious. At least that’s what Lydia thought.

After The DNA Testlydia fairchild chimera dna test

Unless the DNA reports are out, Lydia won’t be able to get the application for funding approved. So, without any questions both Lydia and Jamie submitted samples to get their DNA reports. A week or so passed and Jamie received a letter stating that his DNA matched with his kids which were obvious, right? On the other hand, Lydia never received a letter.

A Long Wait

After a long wait, Lydia finally received a call, to show up for one additional test the lab would like to conduct. She was again asked to wait. Lydia was clueless about what was taking so long. The DNA reports were the only thing that was stopping her from getting financial assistance for her kids. Finally, in December of 2002, Lydia was called at the Washington state prosecutor’s office to discuss the results.

A Strange Meetingdna test

As Lydia reached the prosecutor’s office, she was hoping it to be just another session with one of the government social workers. What she assumed to be a step closer to receiving the assistance turned out to be an interrogation. The person talking to her asked her questions like, who she was and what was she hiding from the authorities. Lydia was confused and couldn’t understand the reason behind this kind of behavior.