Only Home

“Mum and dad are really happy there, it is the first home they have bought it is the only home they are going to live in . They have been through the floods, been through this, not much more that can happen. If they have to move then there would be another option but at the moment I’m not trying to stress my parents out.”

No Clue

The ground continued to sink in and the authorities were still not aware of the reason behind this occurrence. But soon they discovered the cause.

Initial Assessment

Dr. Anthony Lynham, minister for Mines stated, “We suspect what has happened is an artificial cap was put on the hole and there is a big body of water that has been under that hole for quite some time.” “When the cap sunk, the water has come up, that is initial assessment,” concluded Anthony.

Until The Hole Came

The couple had no idea that the house they were living in was hiding something. There was something beneath the ground that remained in oblivion until this hole occurred.

Coal Mining Shaft

The authorities and the couple learned that there was a coal mining shaft beneath the backyard. Perhaps the shaft was built in the early 1900s. Now everything seemed clear. The ground crumbled because of the collapse of the shaft beneath it.

Coal Road

It was then the McKays realized why the street they were living in was called Coal Road. The lane had many coal shafts out there in earlier times. And this one happened to be one of them.