
Dementia is a very severe disease that damages the thinking abilities of a patient along with weakening their memory to a dangerous extent. These disabilities lead to delusion and behavioral issues. The problem does not end here, often the afflicted people are easily prone to anger and wandering off. The illness not only affects the patient but also the people who surround them. Those who take up the responsibility of caring someone with dementia have to be on their toe. Such was the case with Terry that was going to unfold another thrilling event. First, let’s find out why dementia patients wander off, the reason is going to break all the stereotypical tags attached to them! 

Misconceptions About The Disease

The big misconception revolving about dementia patient is that they wander off aimlessly. It may interest you to know that it is not the actual reason. Some wander off while engaging in their old habit or routine, the other reason could be that they are confused or searching someone. Lastly, some walk away only to get rid of the feeling of restlessness owing to the emotional disturbance and forget to come back. Unfortunately, how to stop dementia patients from wandering is still an insurmountable question and the only way out is to stay around them round the clock. However, why Terry wandered off was still a mystery!  

Mark’s Re-MARKable Choice!

Being a helpful guy as he was, White decided to help Mr. Carl. White recounts “The gentleman came out and asked if I had seen his wife,” he continued “I was coming up Maple and said, ‘I’d be happy to look for her.” He continued walking on his path and this time with his eyes and ears open. They also inquired about the old lady to every person they came across. Unfortunately, no passerby could help!

Not Found!

Dusk had fallen and Terry was still missing. With the increase in darkness, the anxiety of Mr. Carl also increased. It was cold September, the night was approaching which means it would be even more difficult to find Terry. Gradually the darkness was dissolving into the surrounding that in result was hindering the vision of both the man looking for an old lady who herself perhaps did not know that she was lost.

Search Is On!

Beneath the hazy sky, White and the old man continued searching for Terry at every possible place. The evening was turning cold with every passing second. Despite the increasing temperature, Mr. Carl’s hand were sweating with worry. They did not have much time, they needed to find Terry before the night falls.  

Losing Her Forever?

Mark looked at each and every person passing by but no one around looked even closer to the woman Mr. Carl had described. Getting no success in the park, he took to the streets with his dogs and started looking for her on the corner of streets. Sadly, there also he failed to track the woman. Now, there was no place left to look for. He gradually began to feel discouraged and thought that they perhaps would never be able to find the woman. It was then something bizarre happened.