Carl Sabatino was sitting next to his aunt, Jenny Verastro whose health was deteriorating with every passing moment. She was old, she was ill, and he was by her side all this time. He remembered all the memories he had of her throughout his life. Now he was watching her giving up on life slowly. Sadly, it was one of those moments where we feel completely helpless.

In those darkest of times, Jenny, his aunt tried to whisper something in his ears; a secret that’s been hiding in that very place since years. What Carl didn’t know was how this secret will take him on an unexpected journey that will change his life forever.

Favorite Aunt

Jenny Verastro has always been a fun loving lady and Carl’s favorite aunt. She loved children but she didn’t have her own kids. So, she used to babysit for her friends and family whenever they needed her help. This helped her to deal with her own emptiness. After her husband passed away, she was all alone, all by herself. She worked part-time and earned enough for a normal living. Looking at her nobody would have said that she was hiding a shocking truth from everyone who knew her. 

A Lonely Life

She was happy when she was around kids, rest of the times she was all alone listening to the selective music she has been liking since she was in her twenties. She always had a cheerful smile on her face, hiding her pain deep inside her. Who knew she had been hiding not just her emotions but even more. 


Jenny’s home was always a different place. She liked old decorations, be it the wall clock or be it the dining table, everything in his aunt’s home looked at least decades old. All those things combined together and gave a look of another era to Jenny’s home. The aroma in Jenny’s home was soothing and gave Carl so much peace that he couldn’t find anywhere else. But there was something suspicious always that nobody ever took seriously.

Always Home

Jenny Verastro always remained home. After her husband passed away, she stayed home most of the times. She made sure that she didn’t spend even a single extra minute out of her house other than work and grocery shopping. Her home’s front and back yard were always covered with weed. But once anyone stepped in her house it was a completely different scenario.

A Believer

Jenny was a believer of positivity and tried to teach the same to Carl whenever he stayed with her as a child. Throughout his childhood, Jenny made a huge impact on the boy. So much that even when he grew up he never missed to see her on her birthday and especially Christmas. He always loved to spend time with his loving aunt even after he started working and had a family to look after.

Love For Late Husband

It was her immense love and respect for her late husband that made her take this decision. Her life changed drastically from the moment he left her in the world alone. In those times of loneliness, Carl was with his aunt. As a little boy who never wished to see her sad, he requested her to be happy and gave her the hope to live and look forward in life.