Weathering Storm

Initially, the three had planned to face the cloud together. Ewa had a very good bond with the two. The trio had her plan in place and was going to execute it if the need arises. As mentioned earlier, both of her companions had a very good knowledge regarding paragliding and had been in this profession for a long time. Naturally, Ewa was too confident that they together would tackle any problem even if it is a thunderstorm cloud. However, the trio got separated and now Ewa was left all alone. She had to face the ferocious cloud on her own. It was something she had never expected. 

Quit-Not An Option

Many of the paragliders who were flying around Ewa or before her, called it quits on hearing the possibility of the storm. None of them wanted to risk their lives and hence, headed back to the land instead of navigating in the deadly storm. However, Ewa and her team decided to go ahead with it. The brave decision made by her and her team had landed her in a perilous situation. And the worst part was that now as the lady had found herself in trouble there was no one around who could help her, not even her team knew about her situation. She looked around in hopes of finding a fellow paraglider. It was then the bitter truth dawned upon her.        

Only Her

It took her no time to realize that she was the only one flying in the sky. What got the matter worst was that she was the only paraglider facing a thunderstorm cloud and there was no way she could turn back and move towards the land. As her friends belonging to the German team made their way towards the land, Ewa was struggling hard to keep herself away from the cloud. Once the team landed, they began looking for Ewa in the sky. But unfortunately, there was no trace of her.   

Hanging In The Air

Ewa, on the other hand, was all stranded in the air. She had to think on her feet to avoid the cloud. The storm was pulling her with all its might. She knew once she would get inside it, she will come out dead. In order to move away from it, she began to steer around. However, the act was no good she needed to think of something else and that is when the catastrophe broke on her.    

Arrival Of Danger

By now, the weather had taken its most horrifying form. The huge clouds had eaten up the smaller ones and had turned into an enormous beast. The clouds had shadowed the land and were signaling towards the worst condition in offing. However, it was too late for Ewa to step back now. The storm had barged into the town engulfing everything that came in its range sprawling up to 12 miles. The sky had darkened and the ground looked completely devastated.  

Gone For Good

ewa wisnierska

Ewa’s Austrian friend had finally found her only to see her get swollen by the storm. Just like Ewa, he too was endeavoring hard to stay away from the storm and while he was steering away he spotted Ewa. Hardly, a second had passed by when he saw her disappearing into the roaring gust. A sense of fear ran through his body when he realized that his friend has just been eaten up by the storm. He thought of it to be the end, but their bad luck had just begun.