A Chance For Romance

World-renowned Russian photographer, Murad Osmanov rose to fame in 2012 when he released a series of photos called ‘Follow Me To’ featuring his wife, Natalia. The series has Natalia holding Murad’s hand and leading him to iconic locations around the globe. People started recreating Murad’s magic in their own light. One such hilarious version is featured in the picture showing a girl pulling the boy in a grocery store.

Lost And Found

This adorable picture became internet famous in 2013 when it became an icon for love that lasts forever. The truth is a little darker than what people take it to be but is nothing less than love championing over time. The man has Alzheimer’s disease and the loving, protective wife makes sure that if they are a little further away from each other, he’ll always find a way back to her.

Toilet Paper In Fashion

The saying of giving credit where credit is due applies here perfectly. The individual who decided to present toilet paper in this majestic way is most definitely in the wrong profession. If they can do this with measly toilet paper, imagine what they will create with actual fabric.

Nothing Is Impossible

This picture will reaffirm your belief in miracles. A wheelchair-bound lady shopping in a supermarket and, miraculously got up and reached for a bottle from the top shelf.  This shows that nothing is impossible if you will yourself enough to do something. However, it is no miracle. The lady could use her legs just fine.

Age Is Just A Number

Growing old with your best friend is a dream everyone sees and this picture will rejuvenate that dream of growing old with the same friends that you have now. This duo may look old but their energy and ease with each other can put friends of today at shame. They are teaching the meaning of friendship to the world.

Mountain Climbing At Walmart?

Shopping from the top shelf is a challenge for short people. Sure being short is cute and all but shopping on the top shelf is not an option. Or is it? This girl took it upon herself to show that short people can shop from the top shelf as well.