
The woman was arrested and taken to jail while her car was towed. The kid couldn’t just be left out on the street and the officers called this woman’s mother to come and pick up her grandson. “But I think next time she’ll probably think twice about parking in a tow away zone if she ever gets a license again,” the foreman said.


All of this wouldn’t have happened and neither the construction workers nor this woman herself would have ended up in such a ridiculous situation if she had just moved her car when she was politely asked. The woman’s attitude made things worse for her than they actually were and she ended up in jail with her car. She was imposed with a hefty fine and had to compensate for the damages she had caused. Could things have gone any worse than this?

Worst Case Scenario

Just when you think that things couldn’t get any worse for this woman, imagine what would have happened if someone happened to be inside the port-a-potty when this woman recklessly rammed her car into it. One person jokingly pointed out on Reddit, ” She is lucky that there was no one in the port-a-potty.” However, lucky might not strike as the right word to describe this woman’s fate, given the series of unfortunate events that sequentially took place on that particular day. Having said that, she can’t blame anyone else but her own attitude.

Parking Spots Matter

Although the foreman and his team were designated to the two parking spots and they could simply do as they wished but the foreman seemed to be a reasonable man. The truck was carrying heavy material which would be further used to frame the roof and it would easily take them an hour or so to carry the material up the hill. The foreman didn’t want the truck to be parked in the middle of the road for one long hour that would cause a lot of traffic-related problems. So, he did right by fighting for his own parking spot.

A Viral Story

It was the foreman himself who shared this story over Reddit in a famous post which has racked up more than 42 thousand upvotes with 1200 people commenting on it. The story was posted on a subreddit named r/prorevenge and as the name suggests, it is the place where people share similar stories of their revenge. The foreman’s story managed to entertain a wide number of people and everyone made sure to leave their opinion about it.

Many Opinions

The Internet is a place where millions of people can share their thoughts and ideas in real time and stories as such tend to attract many and people are not shy of saying a few words. “It is always so painful to read about people slowly making worse and worse decisions… Basically every step of the way she was able to acknowledge her bad decision and take her small retribution, but she kept making it worse and worse,” wrote a man on the foreman’s post. While the story raised serious questions and was an incident of real matter of concern, not everyone felt the need of acting all serious and there were many who molded it into a funny tune. Read further and you’ll laugh your guts out by reading what others had to say.