Mother nature gives shelter to many wild animals and one of the wildest species that take refuge in nature is that of bears. Migration season led this particular family of bears to cross a river. However, the babies proved to be incapable of doing so at such a tender age and what happened next in that river is awe-inspiring.

Heads Up About Mother Bear

Just like the mother of any species, mother bears have strong maternal instincts. They are strict in protecting their cubs and go to all lengths for their protection. So if one thinks of getting near her or her family, one needs to have some extra portions of liquid luck. In this incident, however, approaching them was imperative.

Location Of The Incident

The incident that is about to be unfolded, happened when a mother bear decided to cross the Lake Vygozero with her two cubs. It might have been for migration or because the family was looking for food. It is important to note that the temperature there can go down to -20 degrees. It can be imagined how cold the water must have been for the cubs.

The Incident

The family of the bears started crossing the extremely cold river and the mother realized too late that her cubs were not grown up enough to swim across the flowing cold river. She apparently overestimated her babies capability for long distance travel. The heavy current of the river made the bears grew anxious to be with each other.

 Scared Cubs

The cubs frantically tried to hold on their mother and she too with all her strength and might tried protecting them against the fast flow of the river. However, the fate seemed to have something else in store for them and they did get separated.


If the mother wanted, she could have helped her cubs, she could have carried them on her back and swum to safety but she chose the easier way out. As Charles Darwin is known to say that in nature there is only the survival of the fittest. The separation though was tough for the cubs.

The Separation

Image result for bears separated

This mother no matter how much she tried, could not live up to the famous unmeasurable motherly instincts of bears. She left her babies struggling  in ice cold water and made her way to the nearest island. Was it her fault though, that she thought of saving her own life before that of her cubs?