Sneaky Saki

Danny soon discovered that Saki had a habit of sneaking out of their backyard to play in their neighbor’s house. He did not know the main reason why this dog was behaving like this. But soon, he found out that the dog went there to meet Danny.

Friends Forever

Danny’s mom could see that the dog was having a positive impact on her son. She was quoted saying, “I was touched by the way Saki and Danny connected. Socially, he doesn’t always interact effectively with his peers. But he did with the dog. Saki understood him. They understood each other.”

Danny’s Speech Improves

The family soon saw a noticeable change in Danny’s lifestyle after he and the dear dog strengthened their bond. Danny was not just improving his skills in communicating but was also able to use the toilet on his own. The growth was incredible.

An Amazing Transformation

Danny would soon frame proper sentences. He would mouth sentences like, “This is my puppy” and “I am Saki’s dad.” Dixie soon found out what the dog was doing to her dear son. She was indeed very pleased to see that Danny had found a companion in Saki.

His Mother’s Words

Image result for saki and danny dog

“It’s an amazing thing, but I believe Saki really has made a difference in Danny,” told Dixie, 43, who is Danny’s mother and a high school English teacher to the interviewers. “Danny has made great strides, and we hadn’t seen that kind of physical and social development before.”

The Caretaker Also Agrees

Image result for saki and danny dogSaki and Danny immediately bonded and connected. They both loved playing catch and running about in the playgrounds. They would be taking naps and watched television, up until Saki’s caretaker brought her back home. Even her caretaker felt bad keeping them apart.