A Few Milestones

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Morgan felt that it was just sheer coincidence initially. She was skeptical to believe that an animal could have such an impact on her son. But very soon Danny learned how to throw a ball straight and also began using the toilet by himself.

A No-Nonsense Mother Believes

Image result for saki and danny dog

“I didn’t want to mystify it, I didn’t want to anthropomorphize the dog,” said Dixie, who does not tolerate nonsense. “I didn’t want to credit a dog with toilet training. But Saki really seems to have had an impact on Danny.”

Sticking Together

Dixie then spoke to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation to see if they could keep Saki. The answer was not what she had expected because the shelter could not let them keep Saki. So were Danny and Saki going to be separated?

A Special Relationship

Saki was also very happy with where she was now. Dixie then invited the shelter’s president Wilma Melville to come to her home and hopefully get why she wanted to keep the dog so bad. She needed Wilma to see that special relationship for herself.

Two Peas in a Pod

So as everyone hoped, Wilma did see why Saki and Danny were better off being together. “To let the dog go, it was not easy,” she revealed. “But we decided that the dog had a real use here. She and Danny made a very heartwarming attachment.”

Advancing Quickly

After the shelter agreed to let Danny and his family keep Saki, the progress grew more and more.Danny took the full duty to brush her coat, feed her and even slept with the sweet pooch. He was the best master Saki could have ever wished for.