Source Of Inspiration

This amazing combination of the brain with beauty used to take inspiration from a Disney movie “Mulan.” Whenever she felt tired or demotivated she would imagine herself sitting on the peak of the pillar just the way the lead character in Mulan does. It is interesting that the girl who was inspiring others with her determination was taking inspiration from a fictional movie.

Its All About Attitude

After few days in the camp, Shannon understood that attitudes mean very much here in order to succeed. She explained  “I came in guns blazing in order to show that I wasn’t someone that could be pushed around, brushed off, or not taken seriously. It was hard but it was also completely necessary.” 

Fighting Odds

She had seen many women succumbing to the pressure during the camp. Many women even left in the middle of the training that sometimes discouraged Shannon. But being a woman of true spirit she stared the challenges in the face and took them on every time she came across any. She was there to break every stereotype that a woman is too soft to survive physical strains. With that thought in her mind, she successfully completed her boot camp training.  

Achieving Targets

Now, it was time to get placed and she got lucky in that one! She was selected to serve as an administrative specialist in South Carolina. It was a perfect job profile for her owing to her high intelligence and awareness of the requirements of her office. Her enthusiasm and agility proved to be cherry on the cake. 


Shannon always had a sense of responsibility and that got affirmed during the training. As a specialist administrative, she followed all the duties she was entrusted with and fearlessly took upon any challenges that came her way. 


Her hard work and loyalty helped her go up the ladder of positions of marines corps. She worked in South Carolina for two years before getting transferred to Rock Island, Illinois. No doubt, South Carolina had secured a very special place in her heart as she spent one of the most valuable times of her life there but going back to hometown was special for her too.