Oh, Dear Dad!

The letter read, ” Dear Princess, I hope you liked your Sixth Birthday Present”. The girl was taken aback. For a moment she could not absorb as to what she read. She continued reading further, ” All these years I have been waiting to present you this secret room. And I thought your sixth birthday would be the best day to gift you this”.

The Revelation

She continued reading, ” Little Princess, this is no treasure hunt. I planned it all, long before when I learned that I will be a father soon. I wished to gift you something unique, something no one ever thought of gifting their offspring. I am sure you loved this adventure. But there is something more I would like to tell you…”

A Wise Advice

The letter had something special as well. It had an advice. The father gives his daughter a wise advice regarding this treasure. He said, ” These knick-knacks, coins, and ornaments are our ancestor’s. We have preserved it all for decades. I would want you to do the same. Use these for a good cause. Or gift them to someone who is in a desperate need of these”.

Thank You

The girl ran to her father and gave him a tight hug. She with teary eyes, says a heart filled Thank You to him. She says further, ” This is a really special gift. No toy or barbie doll could make up to this one”. The father and daughter shared a special moment.

A Promise

The girl promises her father to make a wise use of this gift. She understands the sentiments and values her family has attached to it. She promises him to safeguard this treasure chest for as long as she could. She would also gift it to someone who is in desperate need of help and to not anyone else.

The Decision

What happens to the treasure chest later is a mystery. Whether the girl was able to do justice to that or not, is not known. But, all one can hope is that the girl would stick by her father’s advice and would make a good use of the gift. She may give it to someone in desperate need of help or maybe she too preserves it for her upcoming generations…