Mikey Lythcott loves traveling and having said that it is important to run you through the number of countries he has explored. It is 54. Indonesia was going to be his 55th. He kickstarted his new adventurous trip to Indonesia in August with one of his friend named Stacey Eno. He had met her during a trip to Thailand. After arriving in Ubud a town in Bali, they rented a  scooter to enjoy the scenic sight the place had to offer. Little did they know they had undertaken the most unforgettable journey of their life. the pair had hardly gone very far when met with an accident. In a snap, they found themselves severely injured and lying inside a ravine. They had fallen into a dark ravine and they were too wounded to even make a move. Unfortunately, no one had seen them tumbling down in the ravine nor did they have enough strength to scream. Just when they had given up all the hope the help arrived from the most unexpected place.

Travel Lover

Mikey Lythcott loves to globe-trot. The 36-year-old man had already traveled half of the world. It may sound unbelievable but so far Mikey is done exploring 54 different countries. Not to mention the avid traveler has many followers on social media, thanks to the amazing pictures and videos he shared with them.

An Ex-Pat

Mikey resided in Lisbon, Portugal as an ex-pat. But his popularity is not limited to that country only, he has many international friends thanks to the international trip he goes on and makes new friends there. The man is of a very friendly nature.     

New Friends

One of his international friends was Stacey Eno whom he met while on a trip to Thailand in February of 2018. Stacey is from Gwangju, South Korea. The woman is an English teacher by profession. The duo struck the chord instantly and became very good friends. It is because of that, they even decided to keep in touch. As both loved traveling they made a plan to see each other again in Bali, Indonesia in coming August.

To Bali

No need to say Bali is a beautiful tourist destination. This was going to be the 55th country explored by Mikey. He was very excited not only to see it but also to meet his new friend. However, little did he know this trip was going to knock his socks off.         


Though Mikey had gone on many tours, he was going to remember this one till his last breath. As decided earlier Mikey and his friend landed in Indonesia in August. To be precise on August 22 of 2018 they reached the town of Ubud. They knew exactly how were they going to explore Bali’s upland region. They were going to do that via scooter.   

Rented It Out

After arriving into the town they found a scooter rental shop and rented one scooter. Their adventurous journey had just started. They put on their helmets and rode off to the unexplored roads. Little did they know that they had embarked on the most unbelievable journey of their life.