Gydan Peninsula is a lesser known part of Siberia that shot to fame when a cup was found beneath its icy ground. Would you believe this groundbreaking discovery was made accidentally? A group of scientists made their way to the Gydan Peninsula to study its soil. They were excavating the region when their tool hit a cup. It was a burial cup that led to another amazing discovery. The team found a graveyard. It was not a usual one but a unique one. No need to say, this came as an utter surprise for the researchers who decided to investigate as to why this graveyard serving as a final resting place for children only appeared in the middle of nowhere. That also when the settlements were far away from the place of discussion. Their questions met some startling answers.

 The Cold Siberian Tundra

You might have never heard the name of Gydan Peninsula before. It is a feature of Siberian Coast near Kara sea.  This peninsula is a small sized one with the length of 400km and width of 360 km. No need to say it is one of the least popular regions of the earth. One reason for this could be the icy climate that makes it a difficult place to live in. 


The bone freezing winds of the Gydan Peninsula are widely known. It is at the farthest corner of the earth and that is why the place is also called the “edge of the Earth” or “Yamal” in the Nenet language. The zone does not have a population more than 536,000.        

Tough Environment

The first picture that comes to our mind when we hear the word ‘Siberia” is of an icy surrounding with no trace of human around. The region has eight months long winter with sometimes temperature dropping off to -67 degrees F. However, the real picture is different when it comes to snow and human’s occupation of the region. Contrary to all the assumptions, the peninsula does not see snow quite often. Furthermore, human began settling in Siberia since 45,000 B.C.                

The Nenet People

Which was the first civilization that thought of settling in Siberia? It was Nenet people who made this desolated place their home back in the 11th century. According to researchers, Khanty people have been residing here since 500 A.D. They used to gather food by hunting reindeer. The people by now have acclimatized themselves and hunt polar bear.

The Endless Tundra

There are a number of lakes and rivers on this Peninsula. But none of them comes closer to tundra that is there in an uncountable amount that breeds under the broad layer of permafrost. It stays beneath the permafrost throughout the year due to the excessive cold. However, the existence of permafrost completely depends on the climate of the region.   

Melting Permafrost

This Peninsula has been covered by permafrost for hundreds of thousands of years now. However, the tables are turned with the advent of global warming. If the global warming stays on then no farther are the days when permafrost would disappear. This instilled fear among the scientist.