Missing Him Badly

Though he came back home, his heart still was with his gone pet. He had never felt so alone before. He began to miss his pall a lot. everything in the house reminded him of his friend. The food bowl, the bed of the dog made it nearly impossible for the man to forget his gone pet.

Another Chance

But as they say, the life is all about second chances. The man after losing his pal had slithered into depression. After some days of mourning a ray of hope entered his dark life when he got his hand on another flyer that also had advertised for the adoption of dogs. He decided to get himself one more pet.   

Finding A New Friend

Yearning to have a company the man once again decided to visit the shelter and adopt another dog. The man in the story deserves strong words of appreciation as instead of getting discouraged by the mishappenings he decides to provide a home to one more homeless pet. PETA believes that stories like this will encourage people to extend their hand of help to the breeding industry by rescuing them. 

Heights Of Cruelty

Unfortunately, there are a great number of dogs who have no home to stay in and 670,000 dogs of those who manage to get a shelter are being euthanized every year. The cruelty to the dogs doesn’t end here we have many cases where these unspeakable animals are used for fighting. The worst part is that in order to make these helpless fighters more compatible, they are kept hungry and chained most of the time.

Cat Steven

Do you remember a song by Cat Steven titled “I Love My Dog.” This is the first song Cat has ever recorded for his first album “Matthew and Son” in 1967. The album became a smash hit in U.K and ranked 2 on the U.K singles chart. Originally named Yusuf Islam, Cat Steven is a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. In his career, he has achieved some prestigious musical and humanitarian awards. Cat Steven has a soft corner for dogs but what has it to do with this story? Let’s find that out…  

“I Love My Dog”

The name of the song explains it all. The lyrics of the song conveys that a dog’s love is purer than any other kind of love in the world. Their demand is minimal that includes food and your affection only. What is the relevance of this man and his song in this story of a man? Well here is your answer!