Mere Witness

Image result for woman staring out of window

It was mere luck that Catherine was watching over Khan and Charlotte from the kitchen window. She noticed that Khan was turning red in anger the moment he saw her daughter and she had little time before he made the next assault. This was the first of the many attacks that Khan was about to make, what had even gotten into him?!

The Horror, the Horror!

The next attack was more fierce. With a body full of rage, he grabbed Charlotte by her diaper and hurled her around the garden again. He kept repeating it but Charlotte got up every time, it seemed like he was trying to provoke her to fight with him. But Charlotte got up every time and walked on calmly. To the other person, it seemed like he was tossing her “like she was a rag doll.”

Expect The Unexpected

Charlotte did not cry out loud but she was visibly perturbed after a while. Catherine rushed to her aid and at that moment Khan started barking wildly and also what seemed like screaming frantically. He started running around wildly and suddenly without any warning fell to the ground as if dead. It was all confusing, something was happening that Catherine could not place her finger on but she had to act quickly.

Dead Or AliveImage result for doberman sleeping in grass

When Catherine reached the garden she found, to her surprise that Charlotte was unharmed. There was not a single scratch or wound on her body. It came as a relief to her, but only momentarily. While her daughter was safe and sound, Khan was lying lifeless on the ground. Was he dead? But how? What had happened? Things slowly started making some sense to Catherine…

MisunderstoodRelated image

Catherine understood that Khan was not trying to harm her daughter but protect her.  But from what? Right then she did not have the time to figure out. Whatever it was, had left Khan on the brink of death. She could not find any pulse but she was determined to save this pooch who protected her daughter from possibly fatal danger. Then she did something even she could not believe was in her power to do.

A Sacrifice Was Made

As seconds passed it was clear that Khan was fatally wounded. He needed medical attention quickly and the fact that he did all this to save Charlotte made Catherine want to tend to Khan with more urgency. He put his life on the edge in order save that of Charlotte; one causality was stopped from happening but Catherine wanted to avoid anything that could happen to Khan. Even after being betrayed by humans once he put his life in danger for one of its kind. It was payback time for Catherine.