Riding With Tim

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This dad found out that his son had never taken a bite of his apple and keeps bringing it home. He wants his son to eat healthily so he decided to take matters into his own hands with a hilarious note. Apple Mike must have been devoured quickly after this. RIP.

So Many Choices

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When your dad gives you the options to either eat a cat, starve, or look in the refrigerator? What would be your next move? We say, get back at him by hiding the cat and telling him that you picked the first option. Or just suggest getting a dog next time…

Aim In Life…

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This dad was very un-amused to see that there was a burnt lint left in the dryer. He hilariously depicts the lint as a living being with goals and dreams at the same time teaching his kids to handle the dryer with care. Good one dad.

Life Lessons

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This is what happens when kids grow up and they start to act a little mature. The sex talk is never pleasant with either the parents or the kids. These parents advised their son not to bring three girls in one time as they fear for his well-being. Well at least they told him nicely.

Dad Vs. Mom Notes

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As you can see from the picture, mother and fathers have a completely different way of dealing with kids. We will no tell you which is from which. But it is very obvious from the way the instructions and topics are covered. 

The Zelda Humor By Dad

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When your father knows exactly what you are into and can get with it, the feeling is magical. This dad did an excellent job, nailing a Zelda joke that his kids have been obsessed with. High five!