Grim Diagnosis

Grim Diagnosis

They were startled after realizing what exactly they had discovered. It wasn’t just a relic, they had excavated a hedgehog from their backyard. Although spotting a hedgehog was something very common in their neighborhood, but this was no ordinary hedgehog. Athough, he didn’t look good at the moment. The old couple escorted the hedgehog to the A120 Veterinary center which was in a village named Little Hadham. But the vet’s word brought tears to their eyes. Read further to find out what the vet disclosed.

It Was Spineless

It Was Spineless

The hedgehog has diagnosed with alopecia the reason for which was apparently childhood trauma. The poor hedgehog had lost all his spines, which was quite strange as the species use their sharp spines to safeguard themselves from any potential danger, so losing them was pretty bad actually. The vets suggested that the stress was to be blamed for the loss of spines. But what exactly could have distressed a hedgehog?

 Past Trauma

Past Trauma

The vets didn’t want to risk the hedgehog’s life as they were uncertain about the treatment they should be giving to the little animal. Fortunately, they knew someone who could help. They contacted Lynne Garner and booked an appointment with her. Garner immediately fell in love with the little hedgehog and named the sweet creature Derek and came to his rescue. She was willing to nurse him till he’s in the pink of his health. But it seemed that Derek was still haunted by his past.

Repairing His Wound

Repairing His Wound

At the time Derek was a baby or say a hoglet, he survived an injury that made him vulnerable around his surroundings. “He [weighed] less than 100 grams, and they [hedgehogs] have to be 600 grams to survive the winter,” Garner said. Moreover, he had a big wound that too infected. Garner suggested that the injury was perhaps the fallout of a bird attack, which took several more weeks to be cured.

Virtually Bald

Virtually Bald

“I’ve never seen this before in 25 years of looking after hedgehogs,” Garner explained. This little creature had suffered a lot for a hedgehog, but for now, Garner and her team were doing everything in their power to assure this hedgehog was safe. An average hedgehog has about 5000 spines, but Derek had almost lost all his spines that made him virtually bald. However, Garner came up with a way that would certainly bring down Derek’s stress level.

A Plea For Derek

A Plea For Derek

To alleviate his stress levels, Derek required a hot area where he could freely roam without the fear of bumping into predators. She took to Facebook and wrote “Derek has been diagnosed with stress-related alopecia. To treat the symptoms, he requires a big heated area (an escape-proof heated greenhouse with no concrete floor would be ideal) where he could spend the upcoming months.” Will they get such a place?