Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Lynne Garner owned an NGO which she had named Herts Hogline and she took pride in what she did. The NGO’s foremost objective was to take care of the animals that lived in the forest and later set them free into the English countryside. The NGO had hundreds of volunteers who would rescue animals when they spotted one in trouble. They would aid them with medical help, food and whatever that best fitted the situation at the time.

A Campaign

These exquisite animals were a gift to the nation’s natural heritage and a campaign was initiated to establish one of these many sweet creatures as the national animal of the town. While everyone was appreciative of the initiative and NGOs like Herts Hogline were doing their best to preserve the nature and the animals that lived there, yet everyone was taken aback when a woman brought something that looked a lot like an ancient relic.

Animals In Distress

Animals In Distress

The town was famous for being a hub of relics and its natural vegetation, but for the last few months, it had been making news for a reason that wasn’t as prestigious. The underlying conditions that prevailed in the woods were not looking good for the species living there. As per the recent studies conducted, the population of the wildlife living in the forest had dropped drastically which was a matter of concern.

To The Rescue

Garner decided to address this problem and she knew what she had to do. She nursed and later released all the animals in her scrutiny back into the woods which struck as the best way to her. And in the times when it didn’t seem possible, the volunteers from her NGO would look for a place where the injured animals could be rehabilitated so they can live peacefully. Despite all her efforts, Garner was sad when she witnessed how appalling the conditions were for these helpless creatures.

Everyone Was Supportive

Everyone Was Supportive

It wasn’t the first time that garner had undertaken a task of such measures. She had successfully managed to aid distinct animals in her past, and all of them made it back to normal. One of the times included when she crossed paths with an injured flamingo. The bird was injured as her left wing was wounded and she was unable to fly or even float for that matter. Garner took the bird in her observation and took care of the poor flamingo for 2 weeks before she was completely recovered.

Helping Hands

Everyone was aware of her actions and motive and it would be right to say that Lynne Garner was loved and respected by everyone. And the best thing was that the town undisputedly supported her organization and her generous act. Everyone helped in the best way they could, a lot of people helped by donating funds for the noble cause while others volunteered at times. It was good to see people not only appreciating her work but also taking a part in making it big.