Confusion All Around

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Researchers all around the world were confused about whether these two fishermen in Zhoushan had found a new type of a sea creature that could look like a crocodile and a dolphin too?

Each and every one of them had something to contribute to the debate which was ultimately going to lead to nowhere

An Entirely New Species

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Had they found an entirely new type of a sea nightmare that had been lurking in depths of the waters till now?

And the real question that was haunting the researchers is What made this new species that had been lurking in the depths for so long come out in open like this?

A Known Creature

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But when everybody thought that they had found a new species, then came a huge and shocking revelation. The sea creature that was almost labeled as the ‘crocodolphin monster’ was not an unidentified creature but a sea creature that has been known to modern science for a long time.

A Beaked Whale

As it turns out the so-called ‘crocodolphin wasn’t a new species of a sea creature but a whale that is very rarely spotted. The ‘crocodolphin’ was a beaked whale that was not easily seen in the waters. It is almost never seen by the fishermen and it was the only reason that the fisherman was not able to identify it.

Rarely Seen Whale

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The beaked whale is a part of the whale family that has a quite distinct appearance. This whale looks as if it’s a crocodile and a dolphin merged into one and we can quite frankly understand what confused both of these fishermen

It’s Natural Habitat

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I know that when I speak that the beaked whale is not related to crocodiles or even dolphins it may seem really absurd. But that’s the truth, the beaked whale is a mammal that lives in the deep sea and is really less known because of their abundance.