Nobody Will Buy Them

The woman replied, “There are 12 in the store. Nobody is going to buy all 12. I’ll get what I want. Prepare to feel stupid tomorrow.” And with that, she stormed out of the store. Sarah let out a long sigh. It is people like these who make her job just not worth it.

Anger Management

Even though Sarah had developed the art of anger management, sometimes it was not easy to let go of things. This customer had made such a fuss about something so insignificant and then stormed out of the store abruptly, Sarah was controlling the urge to hit something. She decided to teach this ill-mannered woman a lesson.

Devising A Plan

After brainstorming a few ideas, Sarah knew exactly how to get back at the woman. The woman had very arrogantly mentioned that nobody will buy all 12 of the pieces so that is exactly what Sarah did. She went and bought all the 12 pieces of decor from her store. But that was not all, she didn’t stop there.

Making A Phone Call

Sarah took a look at the product number given at the back of the box and knew exactly what to do next. She took out her phone to call every outlet in the county and make a purchase of the same product at their store. This way, the woman would not have a chance of finding the product anywhere and that would teach her a lesson.

The Revenge Act

The best part of this revenge was that there is no way for the lady to ever find out Sarah is responsible for her precious ornaments being sold out. The whole act came up to a total cost of $30, which was by far the best $30 Sarah has ever spent on anything. Once everything was done and dusted, Sarah sat back and waited eagerly for the next day.

The Next Day

Sarah’s anticipation clouded the air as she waited for her dear customer to arrive. She kept watching the door like a hawk, alert of every person coming into the store. And then, around noon, she spotted the woman walking into the store with the same sour face. Sarah put on her smile and waited for her to approach the counter.