Content Less Relevant

The letter begins, ‘This is the only way to get to you. I know you don’t want anything to do with me. I know you would rather me just become nonexistent.” The words had no impact on Nick. In fact, he decided to teach his ex a lesson. Literally!

A Mess

What irked Nick the most was the format in which the letter was written. It was a total mess. He needed to do something about it. And he did!  

No Succor

Initially, he thought of tearing it to pieces and throwing it away. But that was not going to bring any relief to him. It was the only opportunity for him to make the girl feel how he felt. But what was he going to do? Well, he knew exactly what he had to do.

And He Goes On And On

Nick kicked it off by pointing grammatical errors. Thereafter he underlined the misspelled words and fillers that were completely useless. He underlined errors running with writing notes. Well, the boy did not limit to it, he even graded her on the last page.  


He gave her  61/100 and -D for so many mistakes in the note. His ex must not have expected this at all. But there was a lot of things that he was going to do which for sure would have blown her mind off. The boy was not going to stop there.

A Remark

The guy even left a remark on the paper. He gave his opinion on the final page of the letter. He wrote, “Long intro, short conclusion. Strong hypothesis but nothing to back it up. Details are important. If you want to be believed, back it up with proof. You claimed that cheating never occurred, but place blame on yourself – what for? Need to stop contradicting your own story and pick a side. While this gesture is appreciated, I would prefer details over statements. Revision for half credit will be accepted, Good luck,” Isn’t it hilarious?