What Do The Theories say?

Though there was no trace of the city, archeologists had made some theories about the city. Many of them even went to the extent of estimating the population of the vanished city. Can you guess how many people used to live in this city according to the experts? Well, you won’t be able to guess…..


If we believe the historians, there were above 20,000 people who used to reside in this city. Considering the time period, the population of this size was indeed a big deal. The population alone shows the significance of this city. Not only that, from the year 1450 to 1700, life was at its peak in the city. It had grown into a well-developed city by then. 

Finding More Items

This way two days passed in a row.  The team had found a lot of artifacts by now. The curiosity-driven team did not stop digging. And with every hit, they would find something new. It seemed that the farm itself was built on the farm. You won’t believe what he discovered next……. 

Finding Something Strange

The archeologist had found a lot of ancient goods. But the next thing they got their hands on was different and completely strange to them. The team discovered a stone that had some strange designs carved on it. None of the team could figure out what the design signified. With every find, Donald’s curiosity increased manifold. He commanded his colleagues to keep digging. 

Random Holes

Their expedition had taken an interesting turn. As they dug further, they spotted holes everywhere. There were random holes that did not make any sense initially. The archeologists decided to ignore it but the numbers of holes kept increasing with each dig. As the team went further with the excavation, they realized that the holes were not there just like that. They had a purpose and yeah, they were not random either. 

What’s This??

Donald could not understand what exactly was that. But as they excavated further he realized that the holes were made intentionally and that they did have a purpose. One thing was clear that the holes were man-made. The archeologist devised a plan to find out the usage of the hole.