Visiting The Museum

Museums can be a boring place for a lot of people to visit but try thinking from a man’s point of view who has his discovery being showcased there. One would simply take pride in it and Peter made sure to witness this moment and he made his way to the British Museum. Peter was allowed to have a look and handle the coins as well.

Piece of Advice

Paul was famous overnight and there was now a lot of amateur treasure hunter who looked up to him. When asked if there’s any specific advice he would like to give to the rookies, he replied: “Trust your machine, don’t make adjustments just because you can only make adjustments because you need to, and never give up on a deep target.”

Estimated Age

The gold coins were brought back to the museum to find out the time of their origination. After doing so the experts concluded that these coins were made between the time period of 978 and 1035 AD. The coins were in pristine condition and the experts thanked Peter for bringing the coins to the museum instead of auctioning them for the highest bid.

Getting Rich

It was a lifelong dream of Peter to become rich overnight and the stroke of luck had brought life into this dream to make it real. Peter is now living his dream. With a million pounds in his bank account, Peter bought something that a lot of people would have with that kind of money.  What would you do with that kind of money and how did Peter plan to spend it? 

Big House

When Peter was asked about what he plans on to do with the million pounds that he now had in his bank? He replied with a grin on his face and said that the first thing he would do is to buy a nice house where he can live peacefully with his family. So it turns out that paying those 45 pounds back for gas paid Peter pretty well.

Out of Passion

One can have a talk with Peter and tell that he’s a simple man who loves what he does. Money is not a motivating factor for him as he himself said that he detects thoroughly out of interest and passion. He doesn’t care much about the worth of his findings which was obvious as he denied auctioning his finding for the highest bid. He said, “I still can’t believe it was me it’s like watching a good film”.