Eww, Gross

Okay, this is gross. To make up for his poor eating habit and laziness to find a napkin, this father just licked the ketchup he dropped on his baby’s face. The baby doesn’t seem to know what is about to happen to him well, it’s a baby after all. But, not cool dad.

Beer For Me

How do dads spend quality time with kids? They plan their personal perfect quality time then make their children be their servants. That’s a dad’s idea of an ideal day. The kids are looking at him with such frustration, I won’t be surprised if they later planned a prank on their dad just to teach him a lesson.

Apple Over Baby

Okay, this is a clear father fail. It’s so not cool to have the child lie on the cold hardwood floor while taking space of the play mat. This image exemplifies how people have let electronic devices take over their lives and left them blind to the issues facing them. In this case, the issue is the child on the floor!

In For A Bumpy Ride

How to make sure that the kid has a truck ride experience without you having to drench in sweat on a sunny day? This dad has the answer for you. We are not sure about the safety level though. This dad would have to be extra sure about the speed bumps on the road and drive really safely. Looks fun though; the kid seems to be enjoying too.

Banana O na na

When dads do goofy things with their kids it is done less with the purpose of making the kids laugh more with the intention of making themselves laugh. The same is true in this case. This dad put a banana peel on his son’s head as a hat and the baby is giving him a “seriously dad?” look. All we can do if feel sorry for the little one for being the source of his father’s entertainment.

Party All Night, Sleep All Day

So this clearly is a setup. Now we can’t make up our minds if it is cool or inappropriate. We are going to settle for funny because there is no way the kid is aware of what is happening around him, he is fast asleep. The barbies lying in his open arms is a tad bit much, don’t you think?