Crawling On The Walls

onlineThis car was always so bored at home that her owner decided enough was enough. She wanted her gloomy cat to perk up so he went online to look for toys that the cat would hopefully enjoy. After patiently waiting for it to arrive, the package finally arrived. When it was opened, the cat seemed quite displeased, maybe even more than before. Just look at the pathetic size of the cat tree…

Pride Aside


Canada Day falls on July 1, 1867. Many patriots celebrate this national holiday and make sure they flaunt their patriotism. Some of them even wear the flag of Canada that has been stylishly incorporated on t-shirts or shirts. This guy right here wanted to make sure everyone knew he was a proud Canadian, so he ordered this shirt online. If only it fit…

Phone (And Face) Cover


So this boy here wanted to do something sweet for him and his friend. He decided that it would be nice to order a cover for his phone with a picture of him and his best friend. He placed the order and waited for his phone cover to arrive. When it finally arrived, he found that the company made few unsolicited changes. These changes included placing desserts on his head and on his friend’s hand. Whoops…

Supersize Me


You must be very careful while shopping for furniture in online sites. There is so much that can go wrong in the process. While free shipping sounds like a very excellent marketing strategy, there is always a chance for something to go wrong. Just ask this man who bought this armchair. She forgot to ask about the size of the chair so he ended up with this chair that barely even fits him.

Auto Mislead


Sometimes, smartphones can get a little too enthusiastic. This mom wanted to get the best birthday cake for her daughter and ordered it on her phone via text. The auto-correct feature on the phone decided to intervene and ended up giving the wrong instruction. So instead of a ‘blond’ girl, the bakers ended up sending a ‘blind’ girl as the birthday cake.

Seeing Sideways


So, most girls love to wear jewelry as a means of expressing their individual style. Even int he case of jewelry and accessories, online shopping can be very deceiving. This girl thought it would be nice to show her love for cats by purchasing these cute rings off of a Facebook shopping site. When they finally reached, it turned out to be a regretful shopping experience as they looked nothing like they did online