
Lack of context, am I right? What vehicle is this that comes with such warnings? And does this vehicle usually involve death on an everyday basis? Either way, message sent out loud and clear; if you want to live, stay clear of this vehicle at all times no matter what. And that image is what makes this more hilarious than it needs to be.

Don’t Hit Me

This one stands out in particular because of its brutal honesty. Most of us have been there except we never dared to admit it or in this case, display it for the world to see. And it is not certain if the owner’s honesty or relatability might connect with the next person and make him extra cautious. You know what they say, honesty is the best (insurance) policy.

Captain Obvious

Okay, Mr. Obvious. This bland statement just makes it for one of those suppressed smiles or waves of laughter once it catches your eyes. The owner might have just put it on for the sake of putting one or to stand out from the crowd of funny bumper stickers. Well, mission accomplished sir.

Carbon Offset

One of the wittiest bumper stickers for sure. We were taught in school, right? That one little pine tree branch is sufficient to offset the carbon emissions from a regular vehicle. This duo of sticker plus prop is perfect to make anyone’s bad day turn around.

Stupid Sticker

If bumper stickers had hashtags, this one will be #gotcha! This is one of those cases, when you read it you don’t even realize you’re doing exactly as it says until you finish reading it. Simple yet amusing.

A Better World

Why did the chicken cross the road? This one, in particular, is just one of those brilliantly funny ones that manage to make you laugh out loud. The pun on the classic joke is comical in every sense! Sorry to disappoint you sir but it is highly unlikely humans will ever stop questioning the chicken’s motives to cross the road.