Drive Button

While fighting with Salsman, Maddie remembered about the drive button. She did what needed to be done. The 12-year-old kid pressed the button and put the vehicle into drive. The car stops moving if you put that in drive mode. Salsman who was trying to start the car had no idea about it. 

Confidence Boosted

Maddie had gained some more confidence by now. She started punching and biting him so that he gets off the car. However, the man stayed put. But it does not mean that the efforts of the girl had gone to vain. It indeed proved helpful and saved their lives.    

Too Busy

When Maddie was fighting with Salsman, Mollie sneaked out of the car. The man had gone so busy dealing with the brave girl that he could not sense when Mollie climbed out of the vehicle. Even Maddie could not sense that. Seeing Mollie coming out gave some hope to Brandie. She was happy that one of her daughters was safe but still worried about Maddie who was still in the car.

Get Out

Brandie began shouting out for Maddie. “Once I saw Mollie out [of the car], I yelled for Maddie to get out.” “She was too busy beating the guy to realize that her sister was out,” mother explained. But was Maddie going to make it? Or was she going to be a victim of that mentally unstable youth who was not new to this all?

Running Off

By now, Salsman had understood that he would not be able to take the car away if this girl continues to disturb him. So, he decided to run off. The man opened the car door and sprinted off. The man was yet to learn his lesson. Even after a failed attempt, the man decided to steal another car.

Failed Attempts

However, Salsman could not succeed in stealing another car as the police arrived on the spot shortly after. Brandie had already called the police. On further investigation, the family learned that Salsman had already tried to steal three cars before theirs. However, he did not succeed in any of them.