The Story

This is about Nichole Grimes and Chole, two best friends. They were both living a happy life until things turned to a dark road and they had to separate. Nichole missed her friend and desperately wanted her back in her life. Though Nichole deeply desired to meet her best friend again, she also knew that it would never be possible for her to see Chole. Time passed and the thought of meeting her friend got buried away but then what happened was nothing less than a miracle.  Many people wondered why Nichole was so deeply attached to her dog, Chole. Though she never treated Chole as a pet. There was a reason why she was so close to her pet and why she couldn’t forget her even after years of separation.

Image result for black dog with a girl

The Name

Chole was a gift to Nichole from her grandma and this was the reason behind her being so deeply attached to the dog. The puppy was the best present she had ever received. Nichole’s love for her pet was evident and they were now best friends. She was so much in love with the puppy that she gave her a part of her own name. Nichole, for the puppy, became Chole. The name itself gave testimony of their love. The name was suggested by her grandma as she wanted them to be connected in some way and Nichole loved the idea. Life was very good for them. They enjoyed each other’s company. Nichole would take her pup out in the park and they would play and roam around all day. Even at home, she would keep playing with Chole. Her friends also liked Chole and Nichole was sure that she would be in the company of her best friend.

Hard Work

Nichole’s father had a tough job and he needed to keep it. This meant that they will have to let the dog go. Which was not their decision to make. They had to ask Nichole and they were sure how she would react. This had to be her decision and finally, after thinking a lot her parents decided to tell her. When the news was broken to her reaction was obvious but her decision was surprising. When her parents told her about this she acted really mature. Nichole’s father plated the idea of giving Chole for adoption as he also wanted to make sure that Chole lived a happy life. He went ahead and expressed his thoughts to his daughter. What Nichole said made her father sure that her daughter was now a grown-up.


Though Nicole had made the decision of letting Chole go, after getting back home she was missing her badly. She was new to spending her days without Chole and this made it difficult for her. The best that she could do was distract herself in other things which she tried to do but it was almost impossible for her to forget her pet. Nichole was aware that she had to let her pet go because she lived with her parents and a dog around the house at that point of time could make her father lose his job. Now, things were different. She had her own house and her husband was in no client service.

An Old Friend?

This elderly dog looked exactly like Chole. Nichole was very sure that this dog was the best friend of her childhood. But could this be possible? Chole had been adopted by a very loving family and why would they put her in the adoption center?  Without another thought, Nichole signed the formalities and brought the dog back to her home. She would stare at it for hours thinking she had actually met her long lost friend after so many years.