The Crowthers

Tania had met Welles’ parents and Mr. Jefferson, Welles’ father told the NYT, “During the dinner she said she still had her burned clothing and was going to send us a piece of it on a plaque, since it was one of the last things our son had touched.”

Never Received

But the grieving parents never received what could have been the most precious thing of their lives. “She never shared those details, and it was nothing we wanted to probe,” Crowther’s mother, Alison, told the NYT. “I felt it was too private and painful for her.” 

A Lot More

This was not just about the strings that hung loosely from Tania’s story. The team of journalists got in contact with the family of Big Dave, whom Tania had claimed to be her fiance. But to their utter surprise, they had no idea who Tania was. Yes, a man named Big Dave lost his life in the attacks but no one in his family knew who Tania was. 

Lies On Lies

With time and analysis, it also came out that Tania had been telling altogether different stories about her and Dave’s relationship to people, and no one’s story connected with the other, where she would also add that they were to get married in October of 2001. 

No Degree

To rise in her position, Tania had claimed that she had degrees from both Harvard and Stanford. But as expected, the truth came out that she had no degree from either institution and there had been no student enrolled under the same name as hers. 


At the 2006 memorial event, Head had recounted her story saying, “What I witnessed there I will never forget. It was a lot of death and destruction, but I also saw hope.” All of this was nothing more than a lie.