Diner’s Advocates

Over the years, Reececliff Family Diner had become a popular spot for many people. As a result, the fans of the diner doubted if Lindsey’s reasons were genuine. They believed it is possible she was not being discriminated due to her pregnancy, in fact, she was rejected because she would not make a good employee. While some believed that she was doing this for attention.

Lindsey’s Reaction

All these allegations from the supporters of the diner made Lindsey upset. She was certain she was being discriminated against because she was pregnant. Lindsey knew she would make an excellent employee and just because she is expecting a baby does not mean she is less capable than any employee who is working at the diner.

Boycotting The Diner

While Felix’s post continued to get responses and support on social media, the locals decided to go a step further and boycotted the diner. People announced that they would no longer eat at the diner until problems were resolved. They did not want to be associated with a place that discriminated among its employees.

Reaching Out

More and more people began to boycott the diner and posted about the incident on social media. This resulted in the owner reaching out to Lindsey and settling this matter. According to the owner, it wasn’t him who responded to Lindsey’s social media. It was another employee who did it without any official authorization. He explained it was a simple misunderstanding and would be dealt with.

The Necessary Step

The owner assured that an incident like this would not have happened on his terms and he did not want the reputation of his diner to be tarnished by the actions of one employee. He promised that the employee will be trained in communication and educated properly about the laws and policies that the diner upholds.

A Staple In The Society

Over the past decades, Reececliff Family Diner had grown to become a staple in the community. The owner mentioned that they have been in business for over 16 years now, and have always followed proper legal procedures. He pointed out that they have never had any similar problem before and he would make sure it never occurs again with anyone.