Douglas’ new challenge

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

At 4:00 a.m. one chilly September morning, Douglas and his makeover team descended on the Herman household. Closely following was a team of camera operatives and sound technicians ready to record the whole scene as it unraveled for the TV show. A clip from the show would later be uploaded to Youtube, where it would go on to become a viral sensation.

Welcoming the secret guests

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

The whole TV show posse quietly ushered into the house by Herman, who didn’t want to wake up his family. Herman excitedly welcomed Kyan and the whole team, excited at the oncoming task of a makeover. Connie and the children were lost in blissful slumber, unaware of the surprise, Herman was hushedly planning just a floor below. 

Now begins the makeover!

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

The first step of the makeover was to be done away with Herman’s bushy beard. Kyan introduced Patricia, a master hairdresser, who would be helping him with that step. After a quick discussion, Douglas explained to Herman, “So Patricia and I have been talking about your look a little bit.”

Discussing Herman’s makeover

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

The stylist observed, “It looks to me like you just use a buzzer or a shaver on your head.” Douglas then added, “I know Connie wants to probably see the beard go. It’s been a long time since you’ve been clean-shaven, I want to take the beard off completely.” Herman seemed to heartily concur adding with enthusiasm, “Let’s do it!”

Starting with a haircut

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

Thus began the herculean task of turning Herman’s appearance from an unkempt mess to chic. They started out with the hair on his head. Douglas explained, “What we can do to really update his haircut is to give him a fade, so going from longer to shorter just creates a lot of structure. And we’ll just use some product to finesse it a little bit, give it some texture.”

Finally shaving off the beard!

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

Next, it was time to tackle the bane of Connie’s life – the beard. With great attention, she began shearing off the beard. When Patricia had buzzed off half of the growth, Douglas asked, “Can you feel a difference right now?” To which Herman replied, “Heavier on one side than the other…”