Every moment in life is precious. All the little memories and joys we cherish throughout our life holds a big place in our hearts. And as one grows old, these happy moments are all that give us the energy to live and sparkles our will to survive.
While life has always been tough for John, full of major twists and turns, his old age phase became even terrible. Right from the very early age, he had to face hardship in life. However, with time as he put himself up with all the challenges that life threw at him, one day while paying up for the groceries at the Walmart Store, he had to face another hindrance. And this was something so awful that John was embarrassed to the core. Just then something happened that compelled the entire world to think…

The Visit

It was just any other day for John. As usual, he went to the Walmart Store to buy groceries. He had a small checklist reading potatoes, eggs, bread, onion, milk, and tomatoes. He, at a slow pace, went through the store and started putting everything in the basket. As he moved forward to put eggs in the basket, suddenly he recalled something.

Trembling Hands

As he kept the eggs, he whispers, “She always said to keep them at the end to prevent them from cracking on way”, and then he smiled. The old man kept the eggs on the top and moved towards the cash counter. He saw that the cashier was doing her work in a very fast manner. The customer standing before him in the queue got his bill. It was his turn now and suddenly his hands started to tremble.

The Unknown Voice

The cashier prepared the bill for John’s groceries and politely said, ” That will be $11 and 25 cents, Sir”. John took out his wallet and started counting coins to pay for the same. Just then a voice from behind came. A man in the same queue cleared his throat in an annoying manner and John was embarrassed. What did the man say that left this poor old man embarrased?

Summer Carnival

While John shifted to his friend’s place he started looking for various job options so that he could manage his expenses. He then started working at the Ring Toss stall at the summer carnival. He cherished seeing families enjoying their time there. It was the same place where he first came across Anne. Little did he know that even here he will have to taste the unexpected.

She Was A Help

Anne was any other visitor at the Summer Carnival. She joined in there with her friends. Little is known how did Anne and John become friends, but Anne was a helping hand to John. She in every way possible has helped John grew into a well-settled man. She helped him start his own carpentry business, bought him a house. However, back then none would have thought that how the trembling hands play a part in their lives.

Sheer Beauty

Anne was a perfect woman. A typical feminine beauty who embraced every delicate quality a woman is assumed to own. She had straight red-brown hair strands, a lean face and she had a melodious voice. Her smile was something that won many hearts. Probably it was her smile only that charmed John. But, she had some other plans for herself.