A pet lover would get it immediately when we say that they make us really happy. They comfort us when we feel down and they never judge the way we look or how much we have in our pockets. Because they show us, unconditional love, pets really are one of the most precious things one could ever own. It would be very unlikely to see someone who owns a dog and let it run free with no surveillance or guidance. We mostly keep our dogs on a leash so that they do not get excited at the spur of the moment and scram. Some dogs are also easily frightened so they always need their owners’ company when they are in public. Eclipse the Labrador, on the other hand, loves to ride the bus every day, all alone. The reason for this is very shocking to read through to see what make this adorable dog go alone on bus rides every day…

This dog that we are about to read about lives in the state of Seattle. The state is quite happy to have this dog in their territory as she has made a name for herself for doing something no other dog has ever been reported as doing before. Eclipse, the black Labrador likes to spend time every day to go and ride the local bus all alone without the help of her owners. This is a very strange sight to see because there has certainly never been a dog that is smart enough to travel alone on the bus, that too on purpose, ever, right? Eclipse has made headlines and sparked the curiosity of many people to know what makes her love the ride so much and why this has become a ritual for her. This beautiful black lab has definitely made people question how a canine could be so smart to actually travel like a human being. She is seriously one special dog that must have a reason for doing this every day…